
Angela Pennington

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What People Are Saying

Marisa M  Enjoys Astrology

My sessions with Angela not only brighten my day but they inspire my month. She doesn't just tell you what she thinks you want to hear she takes the time to teach you what you need to know.  She finds a way to deliver very complex information in a digestible manner. Angela makes me laugh. She offers real life solutions and new perspectives. She is generous with her time and energy. After meeting meeting with her I feel hopeful again. 


Umesh R   Enjoys Astrology

In my opinion you are the best VAC I have ever had and truly appreciate the way you are able to articulate and the level of detail/granularity you provide. It truly has made a big difference in my life.


Meghan H  Enjoys  Classes

First of all, let me start by saying that Angela is an absolute angel. She is by far one of the most amazing people I know. She is very knowledgeable in what she does. I have been wanting to do my pathworking for as long as I can remember, but coming from the good ol' state of Texas, it was impossible for me to do so due to that I come from a family of southern baptist. But when I moved up here a couple yrs ago, I found their shop and had the most wonderful conversation with Angela about my spiritual path in life. I started attending her classes to learn more about what I believe in and what I can become in my life. She has taught me so much in the last 2yrs and because of that, I am truly finding out who I really am. For any questions that I may have or with any help that I may need, Angela is there to help out. She does amazing work  and I couldn't be happier. I am so excited to be apart of Angela's life and her teachings. I can say that I can finally be where I can be accepted and loved by those who walk the same path as I do. I give all credit to her and what she has shown me. One of the teaching that I love is her guided meditation. Doing this has shown me so many things and has opened doors that I never thought would open. I will continue to learn from her and have her show me the path I walk on. 

April L Enjoys Classes, Tarot

I have always had a spiritual sense for things (strong visions, premonitions, seeing energy forms, etc) but I was frequently flustered with my gifts. I had a lot of trouble dealing with the physical world and the spiritual world coexisting together. It was either I could deal with one, or the other, but not both. For several years, I had to turn off my spirituality senses. After the death of a dear friend, I could no longer keep my spiritual senses at bay and finally had to deal with them.

Working with the group and with Angela, my meditations went to an entirely new level. I learned how to connect with my ancestors. I feel more confident in my intuition than I ever have. It's still a work in progress but I am happy with the progress.

Slowly, over the course, my life shifted so that I could work with the things that have been holding me back. Before this class, I did not know how to shift out of the framework I had been using to get through life. Now, I can happily say I have shifted from a mode of survival to beginning to thrive. It's not that this course was intended for that purpose but the questions that were asked, the discussions, the connection within the group, the wisdom shared all added up to that for me regardless.

I highly recommend working with Angela in whatever capacity pulls you to. You may not know what it is you're looking for, like me, or you may know exactly what you need. Trust, that you will be guided exactly where you need to go with nothing but humility, wisdom, grace, humor and strength from Angela.  


Katie Y  Enjoys  Astrology, Tarot, Classes

Meeting and knowing Angela has been such a gift. She is seriously knowledgeable about her art and her craft. She is a thorough and dedicated teacher, businesswoman, coach, healer, guide and friend. I have learned so much from her both through her individual services and her classes. I am so grateful for her influence, her teachings, and how they inform my process of knowing myself as I grow into my life. I can’t recommend her highly enough! 

Kristin N  Enjoys  Astrology, Tarot, Classes

I found Angela about a year ago and it quite honestly changed my life. She’s mapped my birth chart, conveying my dharma with compassion and guidance to make changes where it was beneficial to the greater good. I’ve seen her multiple times for tarot readings (including the year ahead outlook!!) and truly believe she holds the most amazing insight and offers such truth and love without sacrificing an ounce of honesty. She ignited the magic within me and continues to encourage me to shine bright! I have nothing but the highest regard for Angela and her work.


Theresa L  Enjoys Classes 

Angela's guidance points you in the right direction, and that direction is you. Seeing my true self through my own eyes has helped me to be more authentic, to trust my own light and wisdom, and not to be afraid to let it show in my daily life. Studying with her has lead me in a very natural and personal development, that would have been a much slower process had I tried to persue it on my own. I highly recommend working with Angela if you are looking to better understand yourself, and how to find your own wisdom by looking within for answers.


Susie K  Enjoys Classes

The gentle spiritual guidance Angela offers in her classes is immediately applicable to life.  The in-depth study of information she presented surpassed my expectations.  Her knowledge and application of Vedic Astrology is astoundingly accurate and her counsel is gentle and compassionate.

Kyle U Enjoys Astrology, Tarot

I have gone to Angela for guidance for about three years now, and I always find her sessions to be lucid, honest, and uplifting. Angela does a great job at putting things into a perspective that you can understand, and get to the heart of the matter. I find myself fully aware of the underlining causes, and left with a sense of empowerment which encourages me to look into myself, and act accordingly. 

You always feel her sense of unconditional love and forgiveness which creates a safe environment where you can be fully open and honest. I would recommend her to anyone that is facing a major road block or life-hurdle. Angela is great at helping you to think outside of your problem and invoking the introspective questions that will help you to get passed your predicament. 

Patricia D Enjoys Astrology, Tarot, Classes

When I approached Angela regarding her services as a Vedic Astrologer, I was impressed by her education, experience and credentials.  My high expectations were fully met.  Angela clearly loves her craft and has a deep commitment to helping others recognize and realize their potential.  She has a rare ability to find significant patterns and relationships within the intricate weave of celestial influences and to relate them to the lives and needs of her clients.  Her exceptional ability to communicate complex concepts in easy to understand terms sets her apart from the rest. 
With the information she has given me, I now have a clear understanding of my strengths and challenges in every aspect of my life and can chart my future course with confidence.  I know what I need to do to get what I want from life in the areas of career, finances, health and relationships.  More importantly, I know what I must do to heal the soul wounds of my past.  I heartily recommend Angela to anyone searching for answers.  Her insight, integrity and empathy make her an outstanding astrologer.


Michele S Enjoys  Astrology, Tarot

My daughter and I found our readings to be insightful and invaluable to understanding one another. We were able to step back and see our relationship from a new understanding. You taught us to derive strength from our differences and to care for one another through difficult times. Thank you so much for a thorough reading of our charts.

M. C.  Enjoys  Astrology, Tarot

Angela Pennington is an extremely talented Vedic Astrologer.  Not only did she map out my history and personality traits with amazing accuracy, she gave me a new insight into myself and a fresh and positive direction in my current career aspirations.  I whole heartedly recommend a consultation with Angela to anyone who is seeking to understand themselves on a deeper level and make positive changes in their life.

Lynn S Enjoys  Astrology, Tarot

I have had many readings that never got to the root of my issues.  With this astrology consultation, I now know how I tick and why I tick the way I do, and best of all, how to embrace my individualty and uniqueness and how to make changes in my life that will be the most beneficial to me. Thank you Angela for your wonderful insight and compassion.

Heather B  Enjoys  Astrology, Tarot, Classes

Thank you for the consultation, I got so much out of it. This was the first astrology reading I had, and you were awesome. You confirmed some things I already knew, and made me aware of a few I didn’t. You also gave me some pointers on what/how I need to fix things. I would highly recommend you to everyone I know for a consultation.


Larry S Enjoys Astrology

I am a successful, 63 year-old, retired social worker and business person.  I view myself as a creative visionary, and I like solid, measurable results.  I have been interested in astrology for many years.  I have had a number of readings, but none have been more helpful to me than Angela’s Vedic Astrology reading.  My wife and I recently returned from a nine week trip to Japan, Taiwan and Indonesia.  Angela did a reading for us before we left on this once in a lifetime trip.  Her wisdom, intuition, empathy and advice were life-savers by helping us to understand/reframe some challenging on-the-road adventures and more importantly, appreciate how this trip would and could be transformational for my wife and I in our marriage and our life.
In reflection, the power of Angela’s work is the grounding perspective it provides.  Her spot on reading gave me a framework and guideposts by which to understand unpredictable events and challenges as they unfolded on the trip.  Her words of advice about travel, health and relationships were right on target.  


S. Talley:  Astrology Coaching

When I initially got in touch with Angela about life-coaching, I thought my issues stemmed from one area of my life, and while that was part of it, I was missing the deeper seated issue as proceeding with that thought process.  After meeting with Angela, she made me feel very comfortable (she has this very caring air about her), and let me talk, say what I needed to say, and after listening, she was able to help me shift my focus to a deeper root that needed work, which I probably wouldn't have come to realize on my own.  Angela is very knowledgeable, and she gives you the sense that she actually cares, and wants to help you achieve your your goals, and not just there to sit you on a couch, let you ramble on for an hour, and then shove you out the door to attend to her next client.